Friday, August 6, 2010

Greatest Leaders

I have asked you to share your favorite quotes. Now I would like to know who you think is the greatest leader of all time is. And please explain why.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What is your favorite Motivational Quote

Today I will try something different. Instead of myself rambling on. I want to open up the floor to see if I can build my stock of quotes, from ones that you all like. 

So I pose the question. What is your favorite motivational quote?

Let's start a discussion about them.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The cost of knowledge

Knowledge is priceless you need to continue to learn and strive for things other wise you will become insignificant. We must learn constantly and learn as much as we can about all different subjects. Not only will this make you well rounded, but you will become much more interesting to be around. So learn constantly and share your knowledge. I like to follow the Learn, Earn, Return policy. Spend your time learning all that you can (this is continuous) then earn money for what you know through your job, and then enlighten others to what you know.  Life is too short to not give back and have a duty to fellow mankind.

But wait education is expensive isn't it?

Well to answer that, I like to use this anonymous quote I once heard.

"If you think education is expensive, you should try ignorance."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


This video is very encouraging. It is a former Marine singing another verse of the star spangled banner.

enjoy and remember all those fighting for our continued Independence this up coming weekend.

Friday, June 18, 2010

the LEADERS post: Frank Abagnale Jr.

the LEADERS post: Frank Abagnale Jr.

Frank Abagnale Jr.

I don't know what you know of Frank Abagnale Jr. The name may sound familiar to you, that is probably because you are a Tom Hanks fan, or Leonardo DiCaprio fan, or you just like great movies. The movie "Catch Me If You Can" is loosely based on the life of Frank Abagnale Jr.

If you aren't familiar I first recommend that you become so. But just for sake of time. Frank was only 17 when he started counterfeiting and conning. In his lifetime he forged over $2.5 million dollars in checks. He also successfully pretended to be 8 different people. And also successfully lived life as a airline pilot, a doctor, a prison inspector, and a lawyer. And just in case you were curious about this man or impressed yet, he escaped police custody two times. Once was while aboard a taxing airplane, and once from a state penitentiary. This was all before the ripe old age of 21. Oh yeah he now teaches the FBI about counterfeits and runs a counterfeit consulting company. Just as icing on the cake.

Frank Abagnale Jr. is a  role model of mine. Now just wait before you pick on him for all the bad things he has done. That's not why he is  a role model of mine. Frank had a dream and a goal. He is a role model of mine because he showed confidence and poise and that is why others believed that he was all the people he claimed to be. He did not let where he came from or who he was growing up hold him back from becoming what he wanted to be. And once he did get caught and spent time in jail. He still didn't become just some dead beat criminal he used the skills he taught himself to start his own company and work for the FBI (the same people that put him away).

I think a quote from Dennis Waitley suits this well, he says, "It's not what you are that holds us back, it's what we think we are not."

And I think Frank's story exemplifies that perfectly. So just because you weren't born into money. And your family doesn't have all the best stuff. Or your boss didn't like or approve your idea. Don't assume you are a failure. Be confident, be committed and become what you think and know you can.

P.S. Another one of my favorite quotes comes from the movie mentioned above. It is actually a quote told to Frank Jr. by his father. It goes, "You know why the Yankees always win? Cause the other team can't stop staring at those pinstripes."

Now I like it, because I take as if you show confidence and can play the part of what you want to be. People will buy into it every time.

Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dancing in the rain

Sometimes in life things don't go our way. We didn't get the big promotion we were qualified for, we get fired for being to innovative, we are misunderstood.  But people say we need to weather the storm. So I like this next quote I have found for today.

"Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain."                                             ~Vivian Greene ~

I like it because so often we believe we can just wait out storms and they will pass and then the sun will 
come out. And I say don't wait for it to pass enjoy it while it's here and take advantage of what it brings. Storms bring wind and rain. Life storms bring despair and anxiety and most importantly if you keep the right attitude they bring opportunity.  Failure is an opportunity to start again.  Grab hold of that opportunity and most importantly ...learn to dance in the rain.

I would love to hear stories of when you have had to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What's good for us is still good for me.

I don't know if you are familiar with the saying "a rising tide floats all boats." I find this to be fascinating. I like it because in business sometimes you have an idea, and this idea makes sense to your organization for your businesses benefit.  But if you do exercise this idea it may also be good for the industry you work in. Therefore helping your competitors. Thus this saying comes into play, because I am under the belief that if it works for your business and your industry then you should share it.

I am curious to find out if anyone has been in a situation like this before?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

not always smooth sailing

"The boisterous sea of liberty is never without a wave." -Thomas Jefferson-

I like this quote very much because it expands past liberty to all walks of life.  If we think back what was the last great thing that happened to you, that the boat wasn't rocked a little bit. We don't always have smooth sailing. Sometimes storms come over the horizon and we are forced to weather the storm. But when we do and come out the other side the weather is always so perfect. This is true to a project at work if you are launching a new product. Or if you are an Entrepreneur. We will always see tough times and always come upon waves. But if we work hard we will escape better equipped successful, empowered, and no worse for the wear.   Push on, stay positive, and give it your all. And you will be successful.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The bend in the road

This is a really great poem about tenacity and resolve. By Helen Steiner Rice.

The bend in the road
When we feel we have nothing left to give
And we are sure that the song has ended,
When our day seems over and the shadows fall
And the darkness of night has descended,
Where can we go to find the strength
To valiantly keep on trying?
Where can we find the hand that will dry
The tears that the heart is crying? 

There's but one place to go and that is to God,
And dropping all pretence and pride,
We can pour out our problems without restraint
And gain strength with Him at our side.
And together we stand at life's cross roads
And view what we think is the end,
But God has a much bigger vision,
And He tells us it's only a bend. 

For the road goes on and is smoother,
And the pause in the song is a rest,
And the part that's unsung and unfinished
Is the sweetest and richest and best.
So rest and relax and grow stronger
Let go and let God share your load.
Your work is not finished or ended
You've just come to a bend in the road.

Helen Steiner Rice

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

To be a leader in the supporting role.

I am always surprised when you hear the nominees for best supporting actor or actress.  It seems without fail one of those names will be a big time actor who has carried his/her own film at one point in their career. I always think how or why did they decide on doing that role and not asking for the lead.

I think the answer is that they did lead.  You don't have to be in charge to be the leader.  A leader is a person with character who is willing to do what it takes to help fulfill the objectives of his/her team.

If you are not necessarily the top person in your company or department, you can still lead by helping that person and supporting them as much as you possibly can.

Quote for reference:
 There are two ways of reflecting light: be the candle or be the mirror reflects it.
                                         -Edith Wharton-

Monday, June 7, 2010

How do you feel? Or, how do you let other people let you feel?

"No one can make you feel inferior, without your consent." - Eleanor  Roosevelt-

I really like this line. Especially for those who work in a company that are not allowed to excel.  Some times we are faced with a boss that does not want us to succeed. Or what if you have to work with a team who is not supportive?  These things can lead to the feeling of inferiority. But the funny thing is, that this only occurs when we are not confident or comfortable with ourselves.  We need to practice confidence and then do it with exuberance. You can always continue to know more and be confident in your ideas by putting in a little extra work. If you do these things it certainly translates to the way you speak, or carry yourself, or are viewed by your peers.  I say know what you mean and what you think, if you don't know admit it and then try to learn. People will see you strive for excellence and will strive to help you and strive themselves. So I say if you feel inferior ask yourself what you can do to change it don't just wait for those people to leave you alone.  And if you are someone that is making others feel that way, then become a mentor.

If someone is trying to make you feel inferior, then they probably feel that way themselves and need a leader to help them as well.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Be what you want to be, and be the best.

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." - Vince Lombardi-

There is no shame in saying you don't want to be famous or wealthy beyond imagine. There is no shame in you don't want to do a glamorous job. The shame comes only from when you are doing something that you do not like. I'm sure at some point someone has told you something like "find a job you love, and you will never work another day in your life." I always liked that quote, the thing is you have to practice it's preaching.

My dad told me when it comes to your profession, "Don't just survive, strive to thrive." I like this want even more. Find that thing you like and then don't just enjoy it, Be The Best.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Down and Out

"Down and Out" to a lot of people may be a baseball term. In this post it is a situation a close friend of mine is facing. I have a friend who is going through a very hard time with his family now. He is feeling as if his world as been turned upside down and everything pulled away from him. Though I can't comprehend the pain because I have never been in that situation I can imagine the hurt. It isn't only losing your wife it is your family. All the things you have worked so hard for so many years to build together, it is your in-laws that love em or hate em, you love em. And maybe you don't know what you had until it's gone. This is a difficult situation and though you may be "down and out" you can always turn things around. Maybe things won't be the same anymore, but they don't have to be awful. In the words of Oliver Goldsmith "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." When has any words rang more true? So I write this out of pity, because I know the hurt is deep. People have looked at him cross and they are wrong for it. He has only been misunderstood. He is confused, scared, and grasping at anything he can, that is what leads to anger and frustration. It is at times like these that we can turn to the Lord and ask for forgiveness and help. I recommend for my dear friend that he do that and I recommend for anybody who is feeling "down and out" to look up and in and find that strength to admit your faults to forgive others involve and to pray for guidance and strength.

The Lord is my sheppard...I shall not want.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day message

"If someone gives you everything they've got, what else can you ask of them."
-General George S. Patton-

Thank you to all who serve or have served!

Freedom isn't Free.

They gave their tomorrows, for our today!

Friday, May 28, 2010

The affect of character in leadership.

People are more willing to follow others that they can trust. We can only decide to trust someone when we see there character, and if it reflects are personal beliefs of what character or morals should be. That said it takes consistency to build character. Stand up for what you believe in and don't waver.


"A lapse in character= a loss in leadership." -Hansley Thomas-


I was at a seminar in which one of speakers did a great job with his session and I had a lot to gain from his teaching. After the seminar we had a networking time in which the speakers were there. As I approached this speaker to thank him for his insight he kind of blew me off and then I witnessed him do this to several other attendees. And though his ideas were good, I have a hard time wanting to practice the things he taught.

I am curious if there are other stories you may have similar to this? I can think of some more, and will maybe share them at another time.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Great marketing campaign by Starburst

This is a great commercial. Probably my favorite in a series of related Starburst commercials.

Philly Pride

I just couldn't live with myself if I didn't take the opportunity just to say.

Let's Go Flyers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The first worthwhile quote

"A great leader takes more than his share of the blame, and less then his share of the credit."


Stay tuned for many more quotes, because they are where we can uncover inspiration. Also I will be posting clips from around the internet that I think are really genius and cool ad and/or marketing campaigns. If there is something you find particularly exciting and need a forum to share it, or a fun or great ad. Please feel free to post it. I would be glad to look at it.

I love teamwork and being open to creativity. It reminds me of yet another quote.

"Where there is a will there's a way, where there is a team there is more than one way."
- unknown-

The journey begins

Welcome to the maiden voyage of the LEADERS post.

At "the LEADERS post" you will find quotes, tips, and influential material that is a matter of my opinion. The material may not always be geared towards leadership related topics. Sometimes it will trail off to sports, politics, marketing, and other subject matter I find fascinating. But the basis is for me to learn from others and for me to perhaps inspire others. The main key is that we can walk away by learning something we may not have already known. Please enjoy.